Clubhouse Rentals
Below is all the information you need regarding renting the High Point clubhouse and pool. Take a look at the online calendar below to see if your requested date is available. Continue reading and find rates, contact information, and terms and conditions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Reservations are first-come, first-serve and only one rental is done per day.
Dates blocked in GREEN are unavailable at this time.
Required Rental Signup Session: 7pm the Last Monday of Each Month
General Information
Only residents of High Point may rent our clubhouse for private parties. Due to heavy rental activity, it is suggested that you plan your dates well in advance. You can check available dates on our Rental Calendar. That being said, don't hesitate to call to check dates when situations arise that require use of the space on short notice. We average 110 rentals a year and it is a great benefit to homeowners. Call the High Point Homeowner Hotline, 440-638-4304, and leave a message or send an email. It helps to have several dates in mind when calling. Your call or email about a rental will be returned within a few days.
Reservations cannot be made online. Call the Homeowner Hotline (638-4304) or email the trustees for information and to make reservations.
Non-Summer Rentals
$125 / day
All rentals for non-summer months (when the pool is closed from Labor Day to Memorial Day each year) are $125 per day. Our clubhouse is available for rent weekends, weekdays and weeknights for events. We suggest booking as far in advance as possible, especially for Holiday parties.
Summer Pool Rentals
$125 / end by closing
$250 / end two hours later
Pool rentals may begin as early as 5:00 p.m. for any Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening, but must share the pool with residents during homeowner hours. Parties that end by closing time (9:00 pm Friday and Saturday, and 8:00 pm on Sunday) are charged $125 for the rental, which includes the cost of lifeguards, and sharing the pool with residents the entire time of the rental. Parties may go two hours beyond the closing time, which provides up to two hours of private pool time, but the contracted rental cost is then $250. All rentals must end when the contracted pool use ends and cleanup must be done immediately there after.
Note: Summer rentals using the pool may not beGIN until after 5:00 p.m. due to the heavy bather load between the hours of noon and 5:00 p.m. Allowing private rentals would compromise safety for swimmers and that is the highest priority for association trustees and lifeguards.
Summer Non-Pool Rentals
$125 / day
Non-pool rental fee is $125 (anniversaries, baby or wedding showers, retirements, etc.) and may begin at any time during the day Residents who rent as a Non-Pool rental may not use the pool for their guests, even after 5:00 p.m. Any use of the pool (even using a guest pass) for a Non-Pool Rental violates the rental contract and can result in forfeiture of the security deposit, as it is a safety issue for the association.
17847 Brandywine Drive
Strongsville, OH 44136
All Rentals Include:
Sixteen (16) 5'-0" round tables that each seat up to eight (8) people
Ten (10) serving tables, 6’ long by 30" wide
120 burgundy cloth seat folding chairs
Sound system with commercial grade speakers in the ceiling and a five-disc CD player or patch cord for iPod, iPhone or computer connection
Microphone available upon ADVANCE request
(4) vacuum cleaners available onsite for clean up
Bring your own:
Other than this listed equipment above, you will need to bring your own equipment such as serving dishes and utensils, dinner ware, coffee pot, dishwash, etc.
Spectrum Stream & Internet:
Residents who rent the clubhouse can take advantage of Spectrum streaming television programs at the clubhouse. Rated among the best in the business, Spectrum offers both the best in streaming and internet services. When you are renting the clubhouse, you can use the new flat screen television to view shows, sports or events. You may also bring an HDMI cable to connect to your BluRay player or computer to show movies or programs. It is a great way to entertain kids and adults while you have your event. We also have wireless internet in the clubhouse for your convenience.
Terms & Conditions
A refundable security deposit of $500 (two checks for $200 and $300 payable to High Point) is required and returned if the clubhouse is cleaned and returned as received and no damage is done to the clubhouse. Rental dates are confirmed only when separate checks (rental fee and security deposit) are received, a rental contract has been signed by the homeowner, and a "Release From Liability and Agreement to Indemnify" form has been executed. Rental keys are delivered in advance of the rental date and residents may enter the clubhouse as of 9:00 a.m. the day of their rental to set up for the event. Residents who rent the clubhouse are responsible for cleaning the facility when they are done, REMOVING ALL trash and debris, taking down decorations and tape, vacuuming the floor, and putting tables and chairs away.
Clubhouse rentals are a privilege reserved for High Point residents only and not friends, relatives or the general public. Activities are limited to family entertainment and recreation, unless otherwise approved by the trustees prior to a contract being signed. Residents renting the facility must be present at all times and are responsible for the conduct of guests and any damage. Inspections are done before and after each party, with a checklist covering the entire facility. Fire code capacity is 120 people.
Clubhouse Diagram
Call the Homeowner Hotline for information and to make reservations: